Working remotes has lots of benefits. However, there are some challenges too that everyone forgets to mention. Below, I have discussed 7 challenges with help from Team Digi Works that can ruin your remote working experience with tips to overcome them. 

Lack of technological knowledge

Remote jobs are heavily reliant on the latest technologies. When suddenly all companies and brands shifted to remote jobs during COVID, chances are that you might have failed behind in terms of technological knowledge. This lack of knowledge can lead to unproductiveness and miscommunication. Try to take help from others and do your research to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge about remote working. 

Bad health habits

Working from home needs a different kind of focus and dedication. You are working all day from that chair one chair, and that can take a toll on your health. This lack of movement can lead to excessive weight gain. Also, sometimes we work late at night instead of a fixed routine. This bad habit can make you tired the next day and make your immune system ineffective. So, when working remotely, try taking frequent breaks, moving around a bit, and sticking to a routine. 


Distraction is a very common issue that many new remote workers face daily. Whether it’s the family, kids, or pets, it’s very easy to get distracted in the comfortable surroundings at home. While it’s not possible to eliminate all the distractions, you can create a dedicated workspace with limited access to minimize distractions. 

Different time zone and location

When all your employers are under one roof, managing the team and sharing your plan is easy. But when the job becomes remote, and people participate from different time zones and locations, it becomes a different ball game. To cope with this challenge, create a routine according to available time, allow trust buildup and try a team approach. 

Managing team members

In remote teams, getting to know each other differs from traditional offices.  So, when you are unfamiliar with your colleagues or team members, it’s hard to know their strengths and weaknesses properly. If you don’t know that info, dividing work can be difficult and lead to unproductiveness. So, make sure you manage your team members according to their strengths. Individual calls may help you get a better idea about your team. 

Lack of motivation

Remote work brings a lot of benefits to that table. However, lack of motivation can be a serious drawback that can overshadow those benefits. As you work from home, and there is one to push you, like your boss or physically present team members, it’s easy to get demotivated. To overcome this issue, set daily goals and routines, and try finishing the day’s work within the day. 

Maintaining a balance between work and family

Working remotely typically means working around the clock and having free time to do errands, which is a good thing. However, if your remote work has a heavy load, you might not have that luxury of time, making you unavailable to your family even if you are at home. This can create unnecessary tension between you and your family. To overcome this, you can establish a daily work hour.