Technology is utilized across the globe to streamline workflows, make information more accessible and improve connectivity and communication. This is also true of the insurance industry. Here are six interesting ways the insurance industry is advancing.

1. The Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies Is Increasing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses several different types of technologies insurance providers and policyholders use regularly, including insurance predictive analytics, machine learning algorithms and chatbots. It also interfaces with other technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) telematics. AI takes some of the pressure off human beings and reduces the likelihood of human error involved in insurance processes, such as processing claims, gathering data and producing predictive insights. As AI and related technologies grow more sophisticated, they become more capable of producing reliable and accurate results.

2. It Is Easier for Rural Communities To Access Health Insurance And Medical Care

Historically, it has been more difficult for people in rural communities to access technology and the internet than it has for people who live in urban or suburban areas. This is due to the economic and coordination difficulties associated with installing communications infrastructure such as cellular service towers and mobile connection hotspots. Modern technology is faster, more robust and requires less dense infrastructure, which means it’s easier for people who live in rural communities to access steady and reliable internet mobile connections. Because of these advancements, it is also far easier for rural communities to gain access to medical care and all types of insurance.

3. Technological Tools Have Helped Make Health Insurance More Affordable And Accessible

Employers and independent insurance policyholders can utilize technology to ensure they are accessing the best insurance at the best prices. Certain technological tools can be used to compare and contrast various providers and their plans. Insurance providers can use tools such as data collection programs to determine whether their policies and plans are affordable, competitive and make sense for their consumer markets. They can also various data-driven systems to make sure people can apply online and on mobile devices.

4. Multiple Tools Facilitate Automation And Streamlining

AI is not the only type of tool that can help insurance companies improve or implement automation and streamlining for various processes and workflows. Tools such as robots can be utilized to help with physical operations. They can be programmed to complete rote tasks or AI can be installed so the robots can function on their own to an extent. Other emerging technologies that can facilitate automation and streamlining include real-time monitoring tools for predictive maintenance and virtualization tools for data visualization and product or service design.

5. Data And Customer Service Are Increasingly Personalized

Personalization is vital to the insurance industry. Every person’s situation and needs are unique, so every person’s insurance coverage should be equally unique. Historically, insurance policies have been varied, but they haven’t been able to provide for every individual’s needs. With modern technology, it’s easier than ever for insurance companies to collect market and customer data. Then, providers can extrapolate the needs of the market from that data so they can gain more comprehensive knowledge of what policyholders want.

6. Digitization Makes Insurance Coverage More Efficient And Satisifying

In the past, the majority of insurance records and documentation were kept as physical records. Now, most of these records are digitized. Digitization can help insurance providers improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their processes. It can also open up more options for customers to interact with their insurance providers online. This means customers can get assistance almost instantaneously, which is an important component in improving customer satisfaction.

Insurance providers utilize many different types of technology in a variety of ways, both internally and to provide assistance to their customers and policyholders. Some technology is unique to the insurance industry and other tools are shared with one or more industries. All of it is meant to make it easier for insurance providers to interact with and serve their customers.