If you have recently suffered an injury, you may be wondering if water therapy is right for you. This form of therapy has many benefits, which is why it is often recommended by doctors and physical therapists. Let’s explore some of the benefits so that you can learn more about this growing field. 

What is Water Therapy and How Does it Work?

Water therapy, also known as hydrotherapy, is the use of water to help treat a variety of conditions. This can be done in a hot tub, pool, or even in your bathtub at home. The temperature of the water can be customized to provide different levels of relief. The main goal of water therapy is to reduce pain and swelling while also promoting healing. Just some typical water therapy exercises include range-of-motion exercises, stretching, and even light cardiovascular activity such as walking. 

Water is a natural setting for healing and rehabilitation because it takes the weight off joints and muscles while also providing resistance to help build strength. The added buoyancy from the water can also help reduce pain and swelling.

The Benefits of Water Therapy After an Injury

Reduced Inflammation – One of the main benefits of water therapy is that it can help reduce inflammation and swelling. The added buoyancy from the water helps take the weight off joints and muscles, which in turn helps reduce inflammation. By taking pressure from the muscles and joints, it’s an excellent way to go through rehabilitation without placing too much stress on the body too early. 

Increased Circulation – Another benefit of water therapy is that it helps increase circulation. The warmth of the water helps dilate blood vessels, which allows more oxygen and nutrients to be carried to muscles and tissues; this increased circulation can speed up the healing process. 

Improved Range of Motion – One of the main goals of rehabilitation is to regain as much range of motion as possible. Because water provides resistance in every direction, it’s an ideal environment for exercises that help improve range of motion. Gradually, you should notice the difference outside of the water. 

Better Strength and Coordination – Next, water therapy improves strength and coordination. Because water provides resistance, it builds muscle strength. And because the body is less stable in water than on land, it also helps improve coordination. Over time, these benefits assist when recovering from an injury; especially something as serious as a broken leg. 

Safe for Most Injuries – Finally, one of the best benefits of water therapy is that it’s generally safe for most injuries. Obviously, you need to be careful and not put too much strain on an injured area. Luckily, the professional running the session can help you with this. But for the most part, water provides a great environment to help with the healing process without further injuring yourself. 

Water Therapy Classes 

If you’re recovering from an injury, water therapy classes will work wonders. Water therapy can help you to recover from the following injuries:

  • A broken leg
  • An ACL tear
  • Shoulder surgery
  • Hip surgery 
  • Rotator cuff surgery 

Why not talk to a medical professional today to discuss your options? In all likelihood, they will encourage you to partake in water therapy because of all the benefits mentioned in this guide!