When it comes to food, you may only be familiar with the big three – Italian, Chinese, and Mexican. However, there are so many other options to help you explore all the different types of food out there.

One of the most delicious cuisines out there is German food! Though you may think these meals are limited to sauerkraut and bratwurst, there are so many options available to help you expand your palate.

Not sure what German recipes you should whip up for your next meal? Keep reading for some classic German food you can enjoy.

1. German Potato Salad

If you’re someone who turns your nose up to a classic American potato salad because of the mayonnaise, you’re in luck. A German potato salad uses an oil and vinegar base instead.

Not only is this an incredibly easy dish to make, but it’s delicious year-round.

Whether you’re enjoying this dish warmed to keep you cozy in the winter months or chilled with hot dogs during the summer at your next backyard barbeque, this will surely make its way into your rotation.

2. Spaetzle

Pasta lovers, rejoice! This egg noodle dish is perfect to pair with German cheese to create the ultimate comfort dish. Not only is incredibly easy to make, but it also tastes delicious.

Though the Germans aren’t necessarily known for their cheese, there are so many delicious options you can include in your Spaetzle. You can find more info about the best German cheeses to incorporate into new recipes.

3. Potato Pancakes

If you’re looking for a savory alternative to a classic sweet breakfast pancake, you’ll appreciate this change-up. Though these sound like latkes, these pancakes are thinner and are more round than a latke.

You can enjoy these pancakes during any meal and adjust them to your liking. Whether you eat them with sour cream at lunch or dip them in apple sauce for a sweet breakfast, you’ll love this classic German food.

4. Black Forest Cake

While there are plenty of yummy German dishes you can enjoy for meals, you can still satisfy your sweet tooth! This is the perfect way to end an evening filled with delicious German dishes.

A black forest cake is a decadent dessert chock-full of rich chocolate and sweet cherries. Mixed with cherry juice, this is a moist cake that will leave you dreaming of another slice!

Say, “Guten Tag!” to These German Recipes

Whether you’re looking for quick and easy meals to add to your weekly go-to’s, or you want to explore the world through your kitchen, there are so many delicious German dishes you can try!

Remember, you can enjoy these German recipes on their own or pair them with other foods. Don’t be afraid to go back for seconds!

If these recipe ideas have you ready to break out your apron, be sure to check out the rest of our website. There, you’ll find more food content to help you make the most of your meals.