On June 8, 2023 the world lost a shining star. Fans, family, and friends were deeply saddened by the news that Worth Green had died prematurely at age 36. The eldest Green sibling, known to his friends and family as “Worth”, had made a name for himself in many hearts. In an effort to honor the memory of Worth Green’s, this article explores his life and times.

Worth’s early life and connection to Taylor Ann Green

Worth Green was not just Taylor Ann Green’s older brother. He was Richard Worthington Green. Taylor Ann Green’s life has always been in the spotlight as a star of the Southern Charm television series. Worth was the rock of strength for his younger sisters behind the scenes. The Green family was a close-knit one, and the loss of Worth cast a dark shadow over the tight-knit group.

The mystery surrounding Worth’s Passing

Many questions were raised by the news of Worth’s abrupt departure. The cause of his sudden death was the primary concern. In a world that often places privacy second, the Green family chose to keep the details of Worth’s death a secret. It was impossible to know the cause of Worth’s death, so speculation began. However, it is important to respect the privacy of this family during these difficult times.

Catie’s Battle with Cancer

Catie Green, Worth’s younger sibling, also faced health challenges. In 2017, she received a diagnosis of two types ovarian carcinoma. She was declared cancer free after initial treatment. The monster came back in 2022. Catie was supported by the Green family throughout this turbulent journey. The Green family’s resilience is further highlighted by the passing of Worth during Catie’s battle.

Debunking the Lyme Disease Theory

Some whispered that Lyme could have been the cause of Worth’s death. Conjecture likely arose due to the tragic death of Olivia Flowers’s brother from Lyme. It’s important to note that there’s no evidence to link Worth’s death with Lyme, and these assumptions highlight the dangers associated with speculation.

What Legacy Does Worth Leave Behind?

Worth’s short life was filled with adventures and experiences. His passion for sharing knowledge was evident when he taught English in South Korea. Worth graduated from East Carolina University, and he even achieved the rare distinction of graduating “Bad Boy Camp”. Golfing in Ireland, and planning his future with Caroline Evans, Worth epitomized the life well lived. In his obituary, he was described as having an “exuberant passion for life,” which those around him experienced every day.

Tributes & Condolences

Caroline Evans, Worth’s girlfriend when he died, was devastated. The depth of their relationship was highlighted by her heartfelt tribute on Facebook. Taylor Ann and family spoke to PEOPLE Magazine, capturing the essence of Worth, a man on top of the universe with a love of life. The Celebration of Life, which was scheduled for the 17th of June, was not only a testament of Worth’s impact but also a call to all to make life count and celebrate every moment.

The Green family has taken comfort in the memories of Worth, as they struggle to fill the void he left behind. The Green family tries to live life fully, as Worth did. This sentiment is echoed by the family’s request to spend more time with family members instead of sending flowers and to donate to a charity of their choice in Worth’s name. Caroline’s video tribute is a testament to the family’s desire to keep Worth’s memory alive.

Life is unpredictable, and it’s fleeting. Worth Green’s death serves as a poignant example of this. Although he died at a young, vibrant age, the legacy of his life, and his indomitable spirit will remain forever etched in many hearts. Worth was indeed worthy of the love and respect he received. May his soul rest peacefully.


  • Who Was Worth Green?
  • Worth Green, Taylor Ann Green’s older brother and eldest of the Green siblings was affectionately called “Worth” by friends and family.
  • What happened to Worth Green?
  • The Green family chose not to reveal the exact cause of Worth Green’s death at this time.
  • Was Worth’s death caused by Lyme Disease or not?
  • No evidence links Worth’s death with Lyme Disease. These assumptions could be based on an unrelated incident that involved Olivia Flowers’ brother.
  • What was Worth Green’s occupation?
  • Worth had a life filled with rich experiences, including teaching English in South Korea. He also played golf in Ireland. East Carolina University is part of his educational background.
  • Who survived Worth Green
  • Worth is survived his parents, sisters Taylor Ann, Catie and Caroline, girlfriend Caroline, paternal grandparents, maternal grandmothers, “adopted grandmother”, uncles, Aunts and Cousins.