What is earned media? Earned media is one of the most essential types of media engagements for any company. Earned media is a part of content marketing that every company aspires to gain. Earned media strategy can boost the brand value of a business and reach a wider audience. Gaining earned media should be on the criteria of any company who plans on growth strategies.

In an earned media category, a brand establishes itself when other media houses share, publish, or write about a brand. Content marketing is one of the essential parts of digital marketing and when a brand begins to become recognised, they earn media support. When other websites and social media accounts create content for a brand, it falls under the earned media category. However, there are certain parameters that a company must know to gain earned media.

Placing a Earned Media Strategy

While there are major three types of media content. Namely, paid media, owned media, and earned media. Paid media is when a brand pays for branded content, and as its name suggests, owned media is the content that a brand creates for itself. On the other hand earned media is important because it gives a brand third-party credibility. You do not pay anything for earned media and it is usually another website or social media channel that showcases your brand’s products or services. You must know why is my business not showing up on google.

Earned media helps your brand reach a wider audience and more so, a group of people who haven’t heard of your product or service. But, gaining earned media takes a lot of work and recognition. Nevertheless, gaining earned media should be an essential part of your digital marketing plan and here’s how you can gain earned media.

  • Participating in Trade Shows

Trade shows usually garner a lot of attention from various media outlets. As it’s their job to cover the participants, if your brand is a part of a show, it’ll get highlighted. Live events are the best way to showcase your product or service. However, only being present will not get you maximum exposure. Having a visual representative can help the audience know your brand better. Similarly, creating visually appealing creatives, hoardings and banners will attract foot traffic.

Engage in pre-show activities to showcase your brand and the ideology behind your company. Respond to influencers and media who are covering your brand to highlight your forte. Consequently, use this opportunity to highlight your digital presence by showcasing your social media handles. Doing so will give you a chance to get tagged and include it on your social media pages.

  • Influencer Marketing

Getting in touch with influencers or digital content creators help you reach a wider audience, Use this opportunity to gain earned media exposure. Moreover, you can have a chance to engage with the influencer’s audience and help you gain popularity and recognition. 

However, it is important to research which influencers suit your business the best and have the maximum exposure. Using this method you get a chance to view how a particular influencer posts and you can create a pitch that suits both of you the best. Do not limit yourself to a particular influencer. Instead search for media houses that accept branded content and look for digital content creators that have a proven track record.

Similarly, you can engage your own audience and fans to promote your business for the best results, Also, you can republish your earned media content on your owned media channels for gaining trust and have a lasting impact on your audience. Remember, not all earned media can be republished. You can require authorisation from the original creator to reshare.