Like other medical specialists, urologists have unique requirements that they must meet to deliver high-quality patient care. Even though various medical software types are available, the best EMR for urology must contain certain features to promote efficiency. But how do you know which electronic health records to choose? The article addresses this in detail. Along with this, we also tell how Urochart software is your best choice.

Factors to Remember When Picking Urology EHR

With numerous medical solutions available, you can quickly get confused when deciding. However, knowing the basic requirements of any EHR software and what particular features to seek for your specialty will significantly simplify the work of picking a urology EHR for your clinic. Foremost, it would be best if you browsed for software exclusively designed for urology or a related specialty. Since urology medical software is built to deal with the requirements for diagnosing and treating urological problems, this software will help your practice the most. 

In addition, urologists usually depend on imaging and laboratory tests that other experts conduct, so your EHR should be capable of receiving and analyzing the enormous volumes of data produced for every patient. As pharmaceutical prescriptions are a crucial component of your patient’s care, you have to ensure that your EMR includes a powerful alert function that can inform you about allergies or any potential drug toxicities before e-prescribing to patients. 

Furthermore, the workflow will differ in a urology-specific practice based on whether the patient is treated symptomatically or conditionally. Thus, you have to consider all these factors when selecting the most suitable EMR for you. An example of medical software that meets all these requirements is Urochart EHR software.  

Ways How Urochart Upscales Your Practice 

Urochart application provides electronic health records to enhance the quality of care and simplify patient records management. When you integrate this software within your urological clinic, you will receive various EMR capabilities that facilitate the expansion of your practice. These are as follows:

Promotes Patient Interaction 

You can use the patient portal offered by Urochart EMR to converse with patients digitally. It acts as a feasible tool for patients to seek timely medical care. In this way, distance no longer acts as a potential physical barrier to getting the best treatment. 

Besides, it is up to patients to decide which time they find suitable to schedule an appointment online. The patient portal also makes it easier for you to exchange documents, lab tests, and imaging tests with co-workers to get a second opinion. 

Enables Quick Appointment Scheduling

Urochart EHR streamlines the entire appointment scheduling process. You can schedule, postpone, and reschedule patient visits without any complicated procedure involved. Also, you can send patients reminders already built into the system to ensure they don’t miss their appointments. In turn, it guarantees an increase in productivity and revenue. 

Makes Teleconference Possible 

Amongst many of Urochart‘s functions, the most useful EMR feature is its HIPAA-compliant video conferencing tool. It allows you to conduct virtual appointments with patients outside the clinic. Hence, this feature is valuable for patients living at a great distance from your practice, thus building patient loyalty. 

Besides, it is beneficial in COVID-19, where social distancing is necessary. It ensures prompt care to patients and helps maintain their health even if they don’t visit healthcare clinics physically. 

Offers Accurate Electronic Prescription

Urochart medical software enables you to prescribe medications to patients electronically quickly. It also protects you when prescribing controlled drugs and simplifies them to enhance efficiency. In addition, it also features the option to share prescriptions with the drug stores using the internet to promote smooth communication.  

Supports Instant Messaging System 

Effectively communicating with patients is significant to cultivating strong relationships with them.  Urochart EMR vendor takes that into account and thus offers a robust messaging tool. Besides text messages, it even lets you exchange crucial patient documents with other clinicians in your clinic for better care coordination.

Provides A Vast Variety Of Customized Templates 

One of the most popular characteristics of Urochart EHR is its numerous templates that are highly flexible. It saves your time considerably by removing the need to enter the same patient data repeatedly. In addition, it gives you the autonomy to decide how you want to store and process the information. As a result, you can manage patient record-keeping more effectively. 

Urochart EMR Cost 

Urochart software does not reveal its pricing information to the public. So, you can contact the EMR provider directly to obtain a pricing quote relevant to your needs. This way guarantees that you only get the things you need in a bundle tailored to you.

Urochart Reviews 

A software’s usability is determined mainly by its genuine user reviews. Hence, we provide you with a summary below of the users’ thoughts about Urochart EHR to help you make an informed decision. 


It is a highly functioning EMR solution with pleasing aesthetics. 

Using user-friendly software has made running a medical practice efficient. 

The average cost of Urochart is less compared to other specialty-specific EMR software.

The medical solution has a short learning curve, making integrating this EHR into your everyday operations easier.


The EMR system runs slow at times, but most software occasionally lags. 

The pricing for advanced features is a little expensive. 

There are instances where customer support is late to respond. 

Should You Invest In Urochart EHR?

Urochart ranks as the top urology medical software because of its overall high rating. The EMR vendor has carefully designed the application to suit all requirements of urologists at a cost-effective price. The software’s popularity stems from its distinct features and ease of usage. 
Hence, the software features discussed in this article set it apart compared to other medical solutions. Urochart also has primarily positive reviews due to its maintenance of high-quality services. With all that said, we recommend that you examine your current practice demands and see how it lines up with the functions offered by this software. After this, you can request a demo to evaluate the software’s functionality live and get a price quote accordingly.