If ignored, pipe corrosion can develop into a costly and frustrating issue. Here are the reasons for it as well as what you may do to stop it. The lifespan of the pipes in your house might range from 25 to 65 years, and it depends on the type of pipes you choose. You might be asking what happens when a pipe reaches the end of its life and what can cause damage to them before they reach that point.

One of the main reasons why pipes fail to function properly is pipe corrosion. Corroded pipes need to be repaired right away or you could end up with very expensive damage. What triggers pipe corrosion? What are the symptoms of corroding pipes? How can pipe corrosion be prevented? You are going to find an answer to most of these questions in this post. Let’s get started!

What are the causes of pipe corrosion?

  • Due to the oxidation process, the water in the pipes contains roughly 30% oxygen, and the rest would be nitrogen. While oxygen can harm your pipes, nitrogen doesn’t. By means of a process known as oxidation, oxygen may change metal into oxide, which is also known as rust. The pipes may also become so thin that they begin to crack.
  • When we discuss a substance’s pH, we are referring to how acidic it is. Here, we’re explicitly referring to how acidic the water in your pipes is. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 with seven serving as the benchmark for neutral acidity. When it comes to pH, copper pipes matter the most. Copper pipes keep a shielding copper oxide deposit even in alkaline water. Acidic water eats away at this layer, increasing the likelihood of quick corrosion in your pipes.
  • Have your neighbors ever mentioned hard water to you? If your neighborhood has hard water, it signifies that there are too many minerals in your water. If you see mineral deposits on your tap or experience dryness in your hair or skin after washing, it might be because of hard water. All of these minerals have the potential to damage your pipes. Mineral buildup in your pipes may result in water clogs and other corrosive problems.

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What are the signs of pipe corrosion?

  • Leaks: Leaks may have a variety of reasons, but they are most likely the most evident corrosive symptom. A concealed leak may be the root of low water pressure. Particularly frequent leaks may point to the existence of “aggressive” corrosive water or suggest that old metal pipes need to be replaced.
  • Strange Taste: Another indication of corrosion is the change in the taste of the water. High quantities of lead provide a sweet flavor.  The corroded copper pipes produce a kind of metallic taste.

To prevent pipes corrosion, it is important to maintain the pipes clean. You could use protective linings to prevent pipes corrosion.