Is your art gallery or desktop getting messy with your artwork? Are you facing difficulty finding or tracing back artworks from my heap of artwork files? Is finding a particular artwork a herculean task for you? In such cases, art archiving with proper organization and cataloging is the best solution.

Art platforms online offer several tools for organizing and archiving artworks according to genre and date of creation.

As an artist, you have several tasks in hand, from creating artwork to marketing and managing the business side of things. Thus, you do not have additional time to dedicate to finding artwork for reference. However, getting started with the archiving and organization might require considerable time.

So if you are wondering if archiving your artwork is worth the time investment, this guide is perfect for you!

In this article, we’ll discuss in detail the benefits of maintaining an inventory system and what you can expect from the archiving process.

Organizing artwork functions differently for different artists. Some artists use artwork archiving to save time in finding files and information. Others catalog to preserve their creation throughout their career. And still, a particular section of artists use the archiving and inventory system to expand their art business easily.

Six Reasons Why You Should Follow Art Archiving

Makes The Process Of Tracking Artwork Details Easier.

This is specifically beneficial if you’re working with several versions and editions of a particular artwork. Correct cataloging of the editions makes it easier to address in which online art exhibition platform you had shared a specific version, the pricing of each edition, and when it was sold and delivered.

Additionally, it helps you recall other specific details of your artwork, such as framing, dimensions, materials utilized, days required to complete the artwork, marketing techniques, and days needed for selling a particular artwork.

You can also document when (the exact date and timing) and where you have sold your artwork. Depending solely on the computer memory might not be the correct solution. In case your system crashes, you will lose all the cataloging details. Also, your artwork and also your entire time and effort will go in vain.

Therefore it is recommended that you use cloud backup or an application supported by the best online gallery to sell art to maintain a clean and organized inventory of your artwork accessible from anywhere.

Keep Your Art Collection Organised And Save Time

Do you need to rename and re-measure every artwork when you apply to an exhibition? This can be tiresome and time-consuming.

Having an inventory with photos and details of your artwork eliminates the need to re-measuring every artwork before the exhibition. Keeping the details of your artwork in separate locations on your computer can make things complicated.

You might not notice the problem initially. However, the real problem will start when you gain years of experience by representing artwork on art platforms online and have a huge file of the artwork.

Having a centralized location completely eliminates the need to extract information from different locations. As you keep participating in more exhibitions, the requirement to have an organized artwork inventory increases. You need to track exactly where your artworks are located or to which customers you are shipping your artworks.

Archiving your artworks with the centralized system significantly reduces the time required for executing admin tasks.

Keep An Organised Overview Of Your Collectors And Customers.

When you are running an art business, it is essential to have a complete understanding of which collectors, organizations, and businesses are a part of your client list. Keeping the contact details of your clients is an important part of your business.

Additionally, you need to understand your cash flow to expand your business in the future.

You can use the list in the future to understand which client or online art exhibition platform has an inclination towards which particular type of artworks you sell, thus, helping you to fine-tune your marketing campaigns and outreach programs.

To Maintain Professional Relationships With Art Exhibition Platforms, Galleries, And Individual Clients.

Ensuring to keep your numbers and logistic things organized helps you dedicate more time to creative thinking and expressive works.

With details of your clients and galleries, you can tailor marketing plans such as newsletters, social media posts, etc., and share them to maintain a consistent professional relationship. Email newsletters are one of the most fantastic and efficient methods to personalize your marketing content and maintain contact with your client.

Who knows, a client or the best online art gallery to sell art might find one of your artwork extremely impressive and reach out to you for purchase?

Eliminates Messy Desktops And Offers You A Comprehensive Overview Of Your Artwork Files

When you have over 100 pieces of artwork and no solution to organize them, it is easy to lose track of vital details such as format, date of creation, the medium used, etc.

So what’s the solution? Being an artist, you don’t want to spend time building your own database from scratch. Some platforms offer integration of your existing data sets, such as Excel, spreadsheet, etc., with the application to make the storage and organization easier.

Later as you create new year content, you can register it on the database and maintain a centralized system to view all your creations in one place. You can even maintain different genres to access the artworks easily.

Create Reports Quickly And Efficiency

Keeping track of your artwork and preparing monthly or yearly reports are the most basic things to expand your business.

Keeping track of your exhibition calendar, inventory contact sheet, pricing labels, and storing digital reproductions of the artwork you create in a month or in a year helps to gauge how things are looking for your art business.

Using reports and historical data, you can understand what elements are working for your business and what aren’t. You can then use this interpretation to refine your business strategies and build a profitable brand for yourself.


Artwork archiving is important for your personal growth and business success. Choosing the correct software to maintain and inventory is equally important as choosing an online art exhibition platform for representing your artworks.