Shopify Plus is a solution that gains more and more popularity. It allows entrepreneurs to run advanced online stores with useful functionalities. Compared to the standard version of Shopify platform, Shopify Plus offers store owners more advantages and problem solving options.

Work without a development team

One of the main reasons for the success of Shopify Plus platform is its self-sufficiency. Using this solution does not require a team of developers. Technical issues are dealt with by an external provider, which helps businesses in terms of employment expenditure, growth, as well as time and resources consumption. Check out the agency that specializes in Shopify Plus implementation:

More functionality with Shopify stores

The possibility of using external developing service is not the only benefit that comes with Shopify online store. Top Shopify stores for leading brands in the market are rich in advanced tools. They deal with every stage of the shopping process: ordering, delivery and payment processing such as Apple Pay. Check out case studies:

Smoother Shopify store with Shopify Flow

One of the useful features offered by Shopify stores is Shopify Flow. The aim of this solution is to make the functioning of an eCommerce platform smoother. Shopify Flow does it by means of automation applied to different processes on the website. This brings a lot of benefits for both customers as well as smaller and larger businesses.

Promotional campaigns with Launchpad

The inherent thing of any online or offline commerce are marketing operations such as promotional campaigns. Therefore, it is good to have a tool to create such services. In the Shopify Plus environment the role of such a tool is played by Launchpad. It is useful when potential customers of a given business need to choose specific products. It guarantees an excellent customer experience in an Internet shop.

Shopify app store in different countries

Many Shopify apps operate just in one country. However, this is not the only way to do business. When a commerce company wants to expand the activity of its stores, Crossborder proves to be the best value. It is a tool that enables companies to deal with sales channels both in terms of language as well as payment, shipping carriers or supply chain.

Shopify Plus ebook

Comprehensive description of Shopify stores functionalities and new features available in 2023 is included in a brand new ebook edited by the Brand Active agency. It answers the most frequently asked questions about using Shopify and familiarizes readers such as retailers, direct to consumer brands or new merchants with the Shopify themes. Check out: