An Inheritance Tax is a tax on the transfer of an estate or property upon a person’s death. In most countries, it is imposed at a flat rate and can easily be deduced using a specialized tax calculator. Given that an individual’s estate is usually left to their children or other relatives, this can result in a significant tax burden upon the deceased’s family. There are ways to reduce the impact of Inheritance Tax however and we will discuss them below. One of the most common questions we see is “What should I do with my inheritance?” There are many different factors to consider, such as where you live, the complexity of your situation, and what you might want to do with your money. We break down these considerations into more manageable parts in this article.

What is Inheritance Tax?

When you pass away, there is a chance that your estate will be subject to inheritance tax. Inheritance tax laws are put in place to prevent wealthy individuals from avoiding taxes on the death of their loved ones. If you are no longer financially able to pay your inheritance tax, it’s often possible to make a payment agreement with the UK government and reduce or even eliminate the amount due. Inheritance Tax is a charge levied by the Government on the assets of individuals leaving an estate. When someone dies, the estate tax is calculated based on how much money they have in their estate and any inheritance they leave. The amount of tax that an individual has to pay depends on their personal situation such as whether they have children are married or divorced, and whether they have a spouse that survives them. Inheritance tax is a tax imposed on the transferable estate of a person who has died. There are many different types of inheritance taxes, but in general, the tax is designed to prevent people from passing on too much wealth to their children. It’s important for an individual to plan for the possibility of an inheritance tax before their death because the process can be long and complicated and could result in significant losses.

Also Read: Can You Negotiate With the IRS Without a Lawyer?

The Estate Tax Exemption Limit

In the US, it is possible to pass an unlimited amount of property on to one’s children without paying any taxes. An individual can transfer up to $5.49 million worth of property without incurring any federal estate or gift tax. A $5.49 million limit per person will be applied in the future and there is no provision for individuals to carry over the exemption limit between generations. The estate tax exemption limit was introduced in the Tax Reform Act of 1969 and has remained unchanged since. This means that the amount has grown over time, but it only applies to each individual’s estate. The estate tax exemption limit is currently set at $5.49 million in 2018. The estate tax exemption limit for 2017 is $5.49 million. Any gifts you make in the year before your death are not taxed if they exceed the benefit from the gift and income limits. This means that all gifts made between January 1, 2017, and December 31, 2017, will be exempt from the estate tax. Anyone who has not yet given away their lifetime gifts is advised to make sure they have been documented and saved as evidence of their lifetime giving.

Who is Covered by the Estate Tax Exemption Limit?

The estate tax exemption limit for 2018 is $11.18 million per person, married couples can be excluded from the estate tax by choosing to file a joint return and having a total of $22.36 million in assets; single individuals have a limit of $5.49 million in assets and couples filing separately have their own limits. The federal estate tax exemption limit is currently set at $5.45 million per individual, so more than half of U.S. households don’t have to worry about it. But if you are eligible for the estate tax exemption limit and have any amount left over after that, you can transfer the excess to a family member and not owe any taxes on it.

How is the Estate Tax Determined?

The Estate Tax is meant to be a last-resort tax on the accumulation of great wealth. It’s designed to help redistribute the wealth that has been garnered from those who’ve worked their whole lives and earned it to those who’ve not. However, in order of the estate tax, there are two types: the first is an annual exclusion which can give $11 million before taxes, and then there is what’s called a “stepped” or “phased” estate tax. This tax begins at 35% and will increase until it reaches 55%. The 55% rate only applies to estates valued at over $22 million. The estate tax is due when someone leaves $5.49 million in assets to their heirs in their lifetime. In addition, a $10,000 exemption is added to this and will exempt an individual’s first $10,000 of inherited assets. If the person had no surviving children to receive their inheritance, the remaining exemption amount would be passed on to the nearest descendants or family members with a direct line of descent from the person.

How to Reduce Your Estate Taxes by Gifts

Estate taxes are a major expense for many families, especially those that live in high-tax states. One of the best ways to reduce this tax burden is to give away an appreciable amount of assets to your heirs before you die. However, gifts can be costly and hard to plan for. To make sure your estate isn’t saddled with large gift taxes, you should consult a professional from time to time about whether the current estate plan is still optimal. If you want to reduce the amount of taxes you or your heirs will owe when you die, you can give away a lot of money. One way to do this is to establish some form of trust and use those trusts as a means of transferring wealth before death. Another option is to make gifts directly to loved ones; be sure to include assets in your estate plan that can be given away because they legally cannot be left any other way. One of the ways you can reduce your estate taxes is to make gifts at death. One interesting cause of a gift that might change the tax status of a sizeable amount of money while the donor is still alive could be an inheritance tax gift. When it comes to taxation, this would differ significantly from a typical gift because originality will not apply, and there is no assurance any rules for gifts, in this case, will apply. In fact, it’s possible to have your estate taxed at a fraction of its value by giving away a lot of appreciated assets. However, there are some rules that you’ll want to be aware of when making gifts in order to ensure that your loved ones don’t get stuck with a huge tax bill.


Inheritance taxes are not just a one-time tax on assets you own. They are levied on an annual basis, so the amount of taxes due is adjusted for inflation. The value of your estate will increase in the future, so it’s important to plan for this future year after year.