An interior designer is a creative person who has the skills and knowledge to create a space that is both beautiful and functional. If you are an interior designer and fancy starting your own business then you have come to the right place. Starting a business is not easy and we are here to give you the little help you need. Learn from this article that how to start an interior design business? And get various new ideas.

1. List the services you will be offering

First, you need to think about the services you will be providing. As an interior designer, you need to make sure you define your service offering. If you only want to do bathrooms and kitchens for example, then make this clear from the start.

If you’re new to digital design, list the deliverables you can produce:

  • Color palettes
  • Ambiance tables
  • 3d renderings
  • Shopping lists
  • Detailed Notes
  • Etc.

This list might vary somewhat if you are offering full services (i.e. if you are dealing with contractors, manufacturers, and suppliers).

2. Stick to your style and specialty

We all have a style, and we’re generally good at what we’re good at. For example, if you specialize in mid-century modern style, rustic style, or classic style, you should stick to that specialty.

That doesn’t mean, however, that you should only work with clients who like the style, but you should define your ideal clientele nonetheless.

Answer the following questions:

  • What is your design style?
  • Would you like to focus on condos or houses (or both)?
  • Would you like to work with families or with couples without children?
  • Would you like to do only bathrooms and kitchens?

Okay, you understand the principle. Define your niche and your style, and you will attract the customers you are targeting.

3. Find and then save a catchy business name

And now have fun and let your imagination run wild! You need to generate an original business name that is distinctive and catchy. It should be eye-catching and showcase your work.

Brainstorm well and got down all the ideas. Here are a few tips:

  • Aim for simplicity.
  • Avoid words that are difficult to pronounce.
  • You can use your name (for example, Jessica’s designs).
  • Use words related to interior design (interiors, spaces, design, etc.).
  • Check that the chosen company name does not already exist.

Okay, your business has a name; you must now register it with your province or territory. In order to avoid any further problems, make sure you have all the necessary permits before starting your interior design business.

4. Create an attractive website

It is obvious. You are an interior designer and you create magnificent settings. Your website should live up to your job. If you’ve never designed a website, you can outsource this task to someone else. You could also watch tutorials and do it yourself (it’s not that hard, I promise!).

Here’s what to do:

  • Install WordPress (or another platform).
  • Invest in a good theme.
  • Use stunning images.
  • Provide relevant information (services offered, contact details, etc.).
  • Add testimonials.

Creating and then improving your site won’t happen overnight. Be patient and don’t talk about your site until it is complete. Remember that your website is a showcase for your work.

5. Build a portfolio

If you are just starting your career as an interior designer, you might not have a portfolio yet, but that’s okay.

You don’t necessarily need a big portfolio right off the bat. Here’s what you can put in it:

  • Photos of your own home;
  • 3D renderings (you will need interior design software);
  • Moodboards

If you have photos of sets you created for others, even better! Add them.

6. Set your price

Before you set your rate, you will need to do some research. How much are other designers in your area asking for? Can you find out more from friends or colleagues in the field? How many years of experience do you have?

There are different types of tariffs:

  • Hourly rate;
  • Percentage of total costs;
  • Fixed-rate;
  • Cost per square foot.

First establish the type of rate you will apply, and then prepare an agreement that you will have your customers sign. For further info visit the site which is mentioned in the highlighted link.