Healthy fast food sounds ideal: It’s quick and easy and yet healthy. Unfortunately, the latter is rarely true – instead, fast food usually contains many calories and few nutrients. But there are exceptions like in 22Bet Brasil.

“Fast food” – first of all, it means “fast food.” This rather vague term has a wide variety of associations:

Fast food is food that can be prepared quickly and easily – partly because it is produced in large factories using standardized processes.

Accordingly, as a customer in a snack bar, you never have to wait long for your French fries or currywurst – and you don’t have to pay very much either.

“Fast” is also fast food because it is usually eaten quickly.

A wide variety of meals fit into this broad category. French fries, burgers, doner kebabs and currywurst are typical fast food, but you can also call sandwiches or cakes from the bakery as well as ready-made meals from the supermarket fast food.

It is quite obvious that many fast foods are unhealthy. But what about supposedly healthy fast food such as packaged salads? We take a closer look at the different cases.


Few people believe that fast food classics are healthy. Dishes such as burgers and fries are characterized above all by their high energy density. This means that they contain few nutrients for a large number of calories. Instead, typical fast food dishes contain mainly:

simple carbohydrates, which quickly enter the bloodstream and can cause cravings.

a lot of fat, including many saturated fatty acids and various trans fats, which are said to increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, among other things.

a lot of salt and sugar – both are also considered unhealthy in excessive quantities.

additives, thanks to which the product has a longer shelf life, tastes better and is easier to manufacture.

In addition, contaminant residues are often found in processed food. For example, Öko-Test tested various chicken nuggets and found multi-resistant germs and mineral oil residues in many products.