Most seniors want to know about fitness technologies. So, for those, we will discuss these technologies. We will also discuss whether these technologies work or not!

FACT: People who are of the age of 50 or more produce almost $5.7 trillion in activities. It means those people are the reason for the high financial force. This economic activity will increase in 2050. The reason is that the number of adults will increase by over 20%.

With the increasing age, people want to live active and independent. 

So, in this situation, technology is the main thing!

It helps these aged people to achieve their aims. 

Further, it is the best chance for business owners to produce a new product. The professionals can guide you about the best products like a bed cooling pad

These technology products aim to give a healthy and active life to the seniors. 

Senior Citizen Technology Usage Statistics

As per Dr Stacey, People think that the healthcare sector is the only one where seniors can implement technology. 

But it is not true because, in several sectors, seniors can implement technology!

The following ratio will show you about seniors adopting new technologies:

PercentageNew tech Statistics
84%They are agreed to implement new technologies
71%They are ready to learn and use technologies and feel comfortable
69%They are happy that they will use future technologies

Why Do Seniors Use Technology?

Dr Randolph suggests that Seniors are looking for new technologies for many reasons. Some want to get medical advice using technology. 

At the same time, some want to communicate with friends and family. 

FACT: According to several reports, it is suggested that seniors like social platforms. So, they spend almost 12 hours per week on social platforms.

The following are the three reasons for using social platforms:

  1. Through social media, seniors can communicate with friends and family
  2. Seniors can also get informed about news and festivals
  3. Social platforms are also useful for avoiding feelings of isolation

In the past, seniors did not travel and explore different places. But now, the number of adults that explore the world is increasing. 

Most seniors want to stay away from home most of their life. At the same time, many seniors want to spend their retirement time in a foreign country. So, in this way, social platforms are very useful. 

It allows seniors to be flexible in traveling and time. Further, Dr Bruce Bateman claims that it also ensures seniors that they can get back home!

Use of Social Media Platforms:

Besides social platforms, live streaming is also an important thing for seniors. 

Average Scale Almost 34.9% of seniors want to attend a marriage ceremony via streaming. 
Middle Scale While almost 37.7% of seniors like to attend birthday parties via streaming.
Lower ScaleFurther, almost 27% of people use technology to watch a funeral.

So, seniors like social media because they can get in touch at every event. Otherwise, there might be a possibility that they missed their events. 

Does Wearable Tech Device Work Expertly for Seniors’ Health?

Now, seniors can also use wearable technology if they want. Don’t think that it is only for immature and active people. The number of seniors that use smart wearable technology is increasing. They use this technology to live happy and healthier lives.

FACT: According to a study conducted by Dr Kenneth, it was concluded that:

  • 45% of seniors have been reported to live a healthy life after operating a sleep tracker for a few weeks
  • 67% of seniors think that wearables are very useful

Further, if seniors use wearable technology in their life, then it is the best thing to give them a comfortable and peaceful environment. 

Many wearables are particularly created for seniors. These have special features such as avoiding falling and checking emergencies.

How Does Technology Bring Peace of Mind to a Senior’s Life?

Nowadays, there is a trend of using smart home tech tools and wearables. For example, the Reemo captures are the best tool for a patient who is suffering from heart issues. Through this, they can monitor their health in real-time!

But How does it help them in bringing peace of mind? 

How do These tools assist them in regaining their peace of mind?

Nowadays, every new tech tool combines several safety and security features. Thus they help the seniors to gain enough attention which caregivers give them!

It Fills Out Caregiver’s Gap!

With the increasing number of seniors, the need for caregivers also increases. 

FACT: According to a report, there were almost 50 million caregivers in 2020. Out of this number, almost 45 million caregivers are from family and unpaid. Similarly, the number of people who were in need of caregivers was almost 120 million.

If any senior has an emergency and needs help with easy exercises. Then he just needs to press a button and call for help. 

For this, they can use The Anywhere Help Button. Further, seniors can also use medical alerts in the home. So, in an emergency or other harm, they can use this alert!

Further, you can also explore many wearable technologies. These can help seniors feel changes in their feet that can cause an ulcer. Further, using this technology, socks can be used to detect swelling in the foot. 

If any patient is at home, an iPad is given to them. Using this device, you can check regular activities, meals, medicines and others. So, it ensures that you have the right information. 

Challenges of Adding Tech!

Suppose you add technologies to your and your senior’s life. Then you have to face many challenges that don’t allow you to be combined!

The main drawback of technology is that consumers adopt it the most. So, in this way, they have less chance to combine. 

While the chances of becoming separated are increased. Most people are not at the point where they adopt technologies. 

Final Verdict:

We have discussed how seniors can become fit and healthy. 

For this, seniors can use fitness trackers, medical alerts and much more!

Further, the use of wearable technologies suggested by thoracic surgeon Dr David also helps them to stay active. Some people think that seniors don’t like technology. 

But it is not true because they love technology. They use it to bring happiness to their lives!