Do you want to enjoy the bouquet of flowers that you have received for longer or do you want to keep the flowers from your own garden as long as possible? Then you can dry them, an interior trend that is back in fashion!

Drying flowers preserves their colors and scents for longer. Dried flowers are nice to use in garlands, in flower arrangements, in bouquets, but they also look lovely on their own in a trendy vase. The petals, small twigs and leaves can be processed into a potpourri to fill your living room with a nice scent. Did you know that dried flowers are sold worldwide? In Sweden these flowers are called födelsedagsblommor or beställ blommor.

But how exactly do you approach this? We are happy to help you.

Which flowers can be dried?

First, choose flowers that are still looking their best, still have a deep color and show no signs of decay. In addition, it is also important to know that not all flowers are suitable for drying. Certain varieties contain too much water, such as tulips, hyacinths and daffodils, making them more difficult to dry. White flowers also produce a less attractive result because the flowers quickly turn brown. Roses, poppies, thistles, hydrangeas, ornamental grasses and lavender are great.

Air drying flowers

This is probably the easiest technique and also the most environmentally friendly. You need a few tools for it, just a warm, dry and dark room to preserve the color of the flowers as well as possible. An attic is ideal for this.

  1. Remove excess leaves and tie the flowers together in small bunches with an elastic band. It is best to do this per species and in equal bundles. The elastic keeps the branches together and ensures that they do not fall off during the drying process.
  2. Hang them upside down in a well-ventilated area. Do not hang the different bundles too close to each other so that sufficient air can reach the flowers.
  3. The faster they can dry, the better the result and the less likely they are to get moldy. The flowers are dry when they feel a bit crisp and brittle. Depending on the space where they hang and the type of flowers, this will take between 1 to 8 weeks.
  4. Are you unsure whether the flowers have already dried sufficiently? Then put two stems in a vase for a couple of days as a test. If the stems remain upright they are good, if they bend they need to dry for a while longer.

Drying flowers with silica gel

Drying flowers with silica gelThis is a quick method that produces good results. Silica gel is a product that you can buy in the hobby store. You can also reuse it. It is ideal for flowers with delicate leaves such as daisies and violets.

  1. Fill a flat container that can be sealed airtight with a layer of silica gel about 5 cm thick.
  2. Stick the flowers you wish to dry in the gel. Make sure that the different flowers do not touch each other.
  3. Then very carefully scoop more crystals between and around the flowers to just cover them.
  4. With a skewer you can open the leaves a little bit so that the crystals are well in between.
  5. Seal the container airtight and tape the edge so that no air can penetrate.
  6. After a few days you can remove everything and check if the flowers have dried sufficiently. If they are left in the product for too long, they will become brittle and dark in color. Gently shake off the crystals and use a brush to wipe off the product.