Whether you’re a journalist rooting out the truth behind a story, a marketing superstar bolstering brands, or a public relations whiz who connects with the media and the community, a communications degree will provide you with the skills to be successful. So what are the advantages of having a communications degree?

You’ll learn how to communicate effectively

While a communications degree is not considered one of the hardest to obtain, it is certainly not easy. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. But it’s worth it. The skills you learn will be valuable and transferable to any industry. Whether you enter Fashion, healthcare, or finance, your communication skills will serve you well. If you’re unsure which field to pursue, opt for a more specialized degree program. For example, some programs focus on Fashion, health, and visual communications. A degree in communication is ideal for those who like interacting with people and value relationships. It’s also perfect for creative people who want to develop their writing and speaking skills. It will also provide plenty of opportunities to get hands-on experience and build your portfolio. And what’s more, you will be able to communicate your ideas effectively and create campaigns relevant to current societal trends. Moreover, you’ll be able to answer any questions your audiences might have.

You’ll be an early adopter of technology

A communications degree prepares graduates for jobs centered on technology. The industry is always looking for the next big thing; a communication degree will help you keep up. The people who use new technology first are known as early adopters. They’re risk-takers and trendsetters and can significantly impact the success or failure of new products. Early adopters also tend to be opinion leaders and influence others. They’re willing to pay more for the privilege of using a product before it becomes widespread, and they often recognize that future iterations of a product might have better performance or features. In addition, they get a kick out of being the first ones to try new things.

If you’re an early adopter, working closely with a tech company can be advantageous because they will give you more high-touch attention than when the product becomes mainstream. This can allow you to influence the development and gain a competitive advantage. In addition, early adopters can provide feedback on how to improve the product, and they can become ambassadors for it.

You’ll be a good listener

When you have a good listening skillset, you’ll understand what people mean when they say things. This can help you avoid confusion, misunderstandings, and conflict. In addition to actively listening, you’ll need to limit distractions and focus on the speaker. This may mean silencing your phone, turning off the TV, or rescheduling other activities that could interfere with the conversation. You’ll also need to refrain from mentally criticizing what the person is saying. For example, if what they say alarms you, don’t think, “Well, that was stupid!” Instead, note that the person is sharing something that has made them uncomfortable or upset.

Moreover, showing interest in the conversation is essential by maintaining eye contact and nodding. It’s also helpful to summarize what you’ve heard at the end of each conversation or meeting. For example, you can say, “So what I understood from that is that you’re worried about ___.” This shows that you care about what the person says and are listening.

You’ll be flexible

One of the advantages of being flexible is that you can anticipate changes before they happen. This is important in a business setting, where companies may evolve, and you need to be prepared for that shift.

For example, if your company starts going digital instead of print, you must be ready for that change. Flexibility can also help you overcome personal differences, like a new baby or moving to a different house. Being able to adapt to these changes can save you a lot of stress and headaches down the line. A communications degree opens up various career paths, from journalism and social media to public relations and advertising. You can even become a manager and oversee other communications professionals, which is rewarding. As your career progresses, you’ll learn to communicate effectively with various people and develop creative solutions for businesses that connect with the public.

You’ll be a good communicator

Communication skills can be used in virtually every industry. The list of career options is endless, from marketing and public relations to writing, journalism, and television. You’ll likely frequently step outside your comfort zone in the communications field. This can include presenting in front of large groups, researching news stories, or pitching advertising ideas to the media. This is a great way to develop the confidence and poise necessary to be an effective leader. A recent survey by an education technology company found communication among the top soft skills employers look for in job applicants. There’s no doubt that the world of communications is diverse and exciting, from introducing the next cultural revolution to resurrecting a politician’s reputation. It’s also a fast-paced and ever-changing field, with new technologies constantly growing. By majoring in communications, you’ll be prepared to take advantage of these trends and put your critical thinking and interpersonal skills to work. You may even find yourself on the path to success like Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres.