Do you find yourself restless and tired? Are you facing sleep difficulties? If yes, then you may be at the right place to get some help. CBD is a good option that you can use to treat insomnia. With advances in medical sciences, some research and studies suggest that consuming CBD may help you treat insomnia and better sleep quality. You can consume CBD in many ways, but a fun and popular way of getting infused with CBD is using CBD tinctures. If you are starting, then we recommend a CBD Oil sleep tincture. Let’s learn more about the same.

What Is CBD Tincture?

A Tincture is a liquid mixture that is a concentrated herbal extracted. It is usually made by soaking herbs in a liquid for a long time. Eventually, the fluid gets infused with the herbal plant, and when the liquid is finally strained out, it results in an incredibly potent tincture. The herbal mentioned here is the hemp plant, which is a form of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Now that the demand for products such as tinctures has been growing over the years, manufacturers often add complementary oils and liquids such as orange or lemon oil to add taste and improve flavors.

For best results, it’s recommended to buy CBD tinctures from an authentic manufacturer like Bolt CBD. Buying high-quality CBD tinctures ensure that you’ll enjoy the full effects of CBD without any side effects.

How to take a tincture

CBD Tinctures are very potent. It means it has a very high concentration of cannabidiol, so small doses are recommended. The product always comes with a dropper so that the consumer can take the tincture in proper quantities. There are three ways to take a tincture:

  • Sub-lingual method: This is the most common method of consumption, and it means placing a few tincture drops below your tongue for a few seconds. This method is primarily preferable for an instant therapeutic effect.
  • Adding to Food and Edibles: One can add a tincture to any beverage or food item. You can also use it during the preparation, such as cooking or baking any food item.
  • Apply it on the skin: This is not a popular application, but individuals can apply it directly on the skin. Using it to the skin may help you treat muscle spasms and joint pains and keep the skin young and fresh.

6 Tricks and Techniques

It is highly essential to figure out what makes a good quality, clean and effective tincture. These tips and tricks will give you key insights about purchasing a CBD tincture.

  1. Identify your sleep issues: Before you set out your first CBD product, you must ask yourself this one question: Whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both? You need to make your purchase accordingly. For example, if you need help falling asleep, you can look for a vaporizer that is considered short-acting and shows effects within 5 minutes. If someone needs help staying asleep, then tincture under the tongue is good for them as it provides long-lasting results.
  2. Look for Full-Spectrum: To look for maximum benefits, one should spend their money on a full-spectrum CBD tincture. There are three types of different CBD products that one can find. Namely, they are full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. A full spectrum means that all compounds of cannabinoids are included in the product. The properties of these compounds, when put together, provide increasingly substantial benefits. Furthermore, CBD works better with compounds having similar types of molecules around them. A full-spectrum CBD product is said to give an Entourage Effect which means how the hemp plant’s most vital elements connect to provide you benefits that they won’t give otherwise.
  3. Look for third-party certification: When you go out to buy a bottle of CBD tincture, check the packaging and labeling properly to ensure the credibility of the ingredients used. In one way, it is a transparent look to what is inside the product that you’re purchasing. The bottle may also have a small symbol of certification which means it’s been tested at third-party labs and has become safe.
  4. Start Slow: Everybody has a different body than others. People know what works for them and what doesn’t. CBD is an exciting journey to hop on, but it is essential to start slow and see what kind of dosage suits your body. It is more similar to a trial-and-error situation where you subsequently increase your dosage if you feel that the current ones are not meeting your needs. One can also keep a journal or start marking calendars to note what dosage is consumed at what hour of which day. One cannot possibly overdose on CBD; taking more than required doses of the product is mostly wasting it.
  5. Note the Potency: Once you are aware of your correct dosage, you must know the potency of the CBD tincture. Typically, CBD tinctures come in three types of packaging. The first one is 30ml, which consists of 250mg CBD and is suitable for everyday use. Next up, we have a 30ml bottle with 500mg CBD, which consumes extra and robust effects. And lastly, there exists a 30ml bottle with 1000mg for maximum strength.
  6. Infuse CBD into your hygiene routine: A compelling reason for people suffering from sleep problems is the excessive intake of blue light from sleep which has been said to interrupt sleep patterns. One way to ease off the devices is to bring CBD tinctures into your day-to-day activities. For example, meditation is one relaxing activity to provide a sense of calm and relief. Along with this, if you take a room freshener and put a few drops of CBD tinctures in it and spray along the room, it is supposed to create a soothing environment in the room.


CBD tinctures are the following big product in the market and have been popular among the newbies because of the ease and convenience of consumption that it brings with itself. It is always recommended to start slow, check for the doses that suit you, and eventually move your way up. Although CBD tinctures have no significant side effects in some cases, they can have mild side effects such as dry mouth, fatigue, low blood pressure, tiredness, etc. It is always advisable to take your doctor’s recommendation before taking any CBD product as it might cause a reaction with some previous medications that you might be taking.