You may have spent countless hours designing and perfecting your living room décor. But as time goes by, this area of your home may start to feel stale and boring. You might even be ready to throw out all the decorations and start over! However, a quick touch-up is all your living room needs so you can bring it back to life. Here are living room décor ideas to refresh your space. Also, you can consider Glass Partitions that make your commercial or residential interior more attractive and luxerious.

  1. Add Some Glow With Some Throw

Adding some throw blankets to your living room will give it texture and color. You can add a plush faux fur throw on a steel accent chair or put a deep mandarin wool throw on an emerald green sofa for some drama. Likewise, you can make your exciting photo blanket ideas a reality and use them to accent your lounge chair or divan, or use them as throw rugs by the fireplace.

  • Add Some Old-World Charm

There’s something about old-world charm that makes it so attractive. It’s time to bring out that old rug from your storage to add some elegance to your living room space. Maybe a gilded metal clock will look great on top of your fireplace. How about putting on display a quaint art piece that has been with your family for years? If you can’t think of any old item to add to your living room, perhaps you may want to consider getting some antique lamps or small vintage trinkets.

  • Go Wild With Plants

It’s essential to have a green space in your home. Plants are good for your mental and physical health. They create an inviting feeling, improve your mood, and reduce stress levels. Try picking plants with more flair and color to reinvigorate your living room instantly. Test your green thumb with a pot of red anthuriums, accent a high cabinet with long vines of pothos plants, or impress your guests with the maranta plant’s colorful leaves that coil up at night.

  • Reflect With Mirrors

Mirrors are great accessories to have in your home because they can make a room feel spacious. Many interior designers love decorating with mirrors to add an extra dimension to any space. Put them on the wall, hang them on top of a table, or lean them over stunning wallpaper. If you want your living room to look bigger, you should hang a long mirror on one wall. But if you’re going to use them as accent pieces, you can decorate one wall with several mirrors of different shapes and sizes. Your choices are endless when it comes to mirrors. You can also find some cool tips regarding to home decor on

  • Energize With Lighting

Lighting is a critical part of the overall vibe of your home, and there’s no area where lighting matters more than the living room. So, to get inspired, you should look for living room ideas that integrate multiple layers of lighting, from ambient to task lighting.

Exciting lighting ideas that can refresh the living room space include the following:

  • Use sculptural scones or artistic lights that can double as accent pieces.
  • Put scented candles to brighten the mantle.
  • Brighten dark corners with floor lamps.
  • Add a bit of drama with oversized lamps.
  • Break a monotonous or minimalist aesthetic with colorful hanging lights.
  • Boost Mood With Words

Some people may raise their eyebrows at the mere sight of a room decorated with word art. But this decorating style has been used for decades, so it’s not a bad idea, especially if you have a big budget. If you want to add a personal touch to your living room, you can use word art pictures to show your personality while also boosting the mood with inspiring phrases. The good thing about decorating with words is that you can make word art decor on your own.

  • Be Merry With Geometry

Whether you’re using small, minimalist, big, or bold geometric shapes, they will instantly elevate the style and character of your space. You can use quirky art, patterned textiles, and accent wall treatments to add geometric shapes to your décor. Just ensure that you don’t overdo the patterns, because too many lines, patterns, and shapes could make your space look chaotic.

  • Get Inspiration From Nature

When it comes to revamping a living room, nature can be a significant source of inspiration. As you become more aware of all the benefits of embracing the natural and organic, you’ll see that it’s an absolute must to bring nature into your home. Rattan chairs, wooden tables, and nautilus shells are examples of key pieces that can help you achieve a nature-themed space.

Bottom Line

If there is one place in your home where you spend the most time with your friends and loved ones, it’s the living room. A well-designed living room space will improve your life quality and help you enjoy your home even more. So, when selecting living room décor to refresh your area, don’t forget to choose things that inspire you and make you feel calm and alive.

Author Bio: Leslie Timkells is an interior design student. In her spare time, she runs her own blog, writes for home design magazines, cooks Mexican food, and spends time with Theodore, her Pomeranian.