There are a lot of procedures that can stop having a baby. Before you begin a method, make sure you have a thorough discussion with your spouse and your health care professional to determine which method you are best compatible with.

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To achieve the intended result, you must abide by every instruction for each technique, as the efficiency of various birth control methods is determined by how well they are carried out.

Listed below are 6 Birth Control Methods 

Always remember that the most reliable way to prevent having a baby is by abstinence.

The greatest approach to avoid conceiving is to say no to sexual intercourse.  This is also beneficial because it prevents the transfer of various sexually transmitted diseases.

Now the six methods to be discussed include;

  1. Use of Condom 

This is a latex-based rubber covering used by males. Condoms are worn over the erected penis before copulation.

The semen released remains in this bag, which stops them from getting into the female vagina, hence preventing fertilization to occur.

When this approach is correctly followed, it is very reliable, and it safeguards you from contracting the majority of STDs like HIV.

  1. Use of Diaphragm

The women wear the diaphragm, which is a rubber covering with rims. It is inserted into the vagina canal against the cervix.

It serves the function of preventing the sperm from getting into the vagina and reaching the fallopian tubes, where fertilization occurs.

The diaphragm works best when combined with spermicidal tablets or lotions, which are used primarily to kill spermatozoa.

  1. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

This is a little T-shaped device that is inserted into a woman’s uterus.It can be made of metal, copper, or plastic.

It works by preventing ejaculated semen from reaching the ovum from the vagina and the uterine canal, thereby preventing fertilization.

One major advantage of this birth control method is that it is reversible, as the device can be removed when required. It is reliable and cheap.

  1. Female Sterilization

Here, the prevention of passage of the egg into the uterus and the movement of sperm up to the site of fertilization in the uterus is achieved by getting rid of the oviducts.

In many cases, a hysterectomy is carried out. This is total womb removal. It is an irreversible method and does not eliminate the chances of transferring STDs as penetration is involved.

  1. Male sterilization 

This is referred to as vasectomy. Vas deferens, the organ that transports semen from the testes to the penis, are torn apart and obstructed to stop sperm from leaving the testes.

This method does not tamper with the male’s ability to experience orgasm. It is known that couples’ sexual happiness increases with this approach, though it does not prevent STDs. 

  1. Contraceptive Pills

These tablets are taken daily by women to prevent the ovaries from producing eggs.

They contain ovulation-inhibiting hormones. To avoid getting pregnant, this technique of birth control requires regular monitoring. Common adverse effects include headaches, nausea, and irregular menses.