The United States is facing the worst housing shortage in its history.

Homebuyers are having a hard time finding the right home. Building your own home is hands down the best way to get the home of your dreams. But it’s not quite as easy as it seems, especially if this is your first custom build.

Keep reading to learn more about the most common custom home building mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure your dream home is everything you hoped for and more. 

1. Not Having Contracts

Before starting your home building project, you want to make sure you have a solid contract in place.

Your contract should specify the home construction schedule and costs as well as what will happen if something goes wrong. Delays are to be expected, especially in times like these, but it’s important to be on the same page as your builder. 

2. Not Thinking Long Term

One of the most common custom home building mistakes is failing to think in the long term.

While custom home design allows you to build the house of your dreams, you have to consider the future. For example, if you plan to stay in this home for the rest of your life, you should consider the mobility restrictions you might face in your senior years.

Remember that cheaper options might not be worth it, especially if you ever plan to sell the house. 

3. Not Getting an Inspection

This common custom home building mistake can be costly. A warranty is not good enough and you need to get a custom home inspection done by a third party.

The last thing you want is to move into a brand new home that has tons of problems. Hire a licensed third party who has no bias to make sure your home is up to standard.

4. Not Preparing for Delays

It’s important to be realistic with your expectations when building a home, especially if your project timeline includes colder months. Low temperatures and wet conditions can cause delays.

Another common cause of delays is red tape.

Custom home builders like Mills Eloge Homes will do everything they can to get your home completed on time. Still, being prepared for potential delays can save you some headaches.  

5. Not Considering Future Costs

Common issues with home builds include problems with the installation of windows, ductwork, and insulation. Being aware of potential issues and looking out for them can save you time and money down the line.

Consider opting for energy-efficient ductwork. This can save you on heating and cooling costs and is much easier to install from the getgo.

You should also make sure windows are installed correctly. 

Avoid These Custom Home Building Mistakes

Now that you know about these common custom home building mistakes, you know how to avoid them. Building a custom home can help you get the home of your dreams in a difficult market.

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